SpaceVR October Update
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 11:57:30 PM
Hey all, thank you for being patient. We’ve been making quite a lot of progress.
Current status is we shifted gears back into executing the original SpaceVR business model. My attempt to blitzkrieg SpaceVR forward ten years into humanoid robotics yielded some great results and partnerships. However ultimately it’s a lot to do with a small team and I’ve decided to ground in and finish the satellite and bring in revenue on that first.
On funding: Our previous lead investor as well a few others have indicated interest in helping us cross the line financially and we are getting next step project plan and budget in order for them.
Our current tasks include reaching out to all vendors and specing costs and timelines.
The satellite itself is 80% done. The bus which includes the solar panels, batteries, body, magnetorquers, attitude control system, flight computer, camera computer, patch antennas and a few others is fully built and assembled.
On the satellite side we’re in active communication with contractors to finish the camera system hardware, software and satellite flight software.
We got quite far on the camera system ourselves and ultimately only need one board that connects the four cameras to the onboard TK1 computer.
On Kickstarter Fullfillment: We’ll budget in the Kickstarter fulfillment into this raise and get that done as soon as possible.
On the team: We have a new rockstar project manager and accountant to help with the above mentioned tasks.
On Website: We have a new website that’s at 95% that we’ll launch soon. Excited to show that to you. Love to hear your feedback on it when it’s launched.
On infinite sustainability: We’ve simplified and distilled the subscription model to $3/month and have concluded to build that out to 4000 users which will make filming launches in Live VR fully sustainable. Goal lining end of Feb to reach that user number. We would then target to grow that to minimally 50,000 users to make the satellite fully sustainable for infinite time.
On Schools: Our first internal proposal to a school has been submitted and we’re working with them to integrate SpaceVR content into their mindfulness program and STEM curriculum.
On Partnerships: We’ve partnered with ANA, the largest airline in Japan, to do work with them on their avatar city. You can look into this here: There’s a very exciting aspect to this that we’ll release soon.
I’d like to also include a list of things I could use help with:
Chief Scientist - someone to manage all the very technical details of the program. Currently I’ve been shouldering it and it’s too much to do and handle everything else.
Operations - a very organized person that could help run day to day operations
Unity Developer - we’re moving into building out the SpaceVR Platform that delivers content and could use support in building that in Unjty.
Launch VR Videographers - records launches in VR. Looking for people that can attend each launch site around the globe and setup Live VR cameras.
Kickstarter Fulfillment - you get it.
There’s some other big deals that are in progress that I want to share but I’ll wait til they are fully signed.
As always thank you for your support and thank you for initially believing in this vision.
We’re working hard to make it a reality in the best way we know how.
Thank you everyone! Looking forward to wrapping this first satellite up. Conservatively specing launch in April as very doable.
Ad Astra,
Ryan Holmes
CEO, SpaceVR