FAQ: SpaceVR: Step into Space
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Why was the previous Kickstarters goal $500,000 and how did you cut $400K from your project and still get the camera to space?

We wanted to deliver the absolute best user experience we could in our first Kickstarter. That was probably a mistake as a space startup. Thus for the second Kickstarter we reassessed what elements we absolutely needed to deliver users content. A reduction from 3D to 2D, 6U to 1U payload space, and 12 to 4 camera CCD sensors really simplifies the system and reduces cost. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

Why is it more expensive to downlink data than to down mass it?

ISS communication bandwidth is tightly held and even politically hard to get at times. Since micro SD card are so small and lightweight they can be squeezed onto almost any NanoRack return mission. The timeline for down massing is more irregular and longer and thus cheaper. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

How long is the Earth VR experience?

The Earth VR experience will be two hours of beautifully edited content. It will start from the NanoRack NanoLab modules and move through the ISS to the Cupola module. It will be stationed in the Cupola module on a support arm and capture one orbit around the Earth. In this time the camera with experience 45 minutes of day time, 45 minutes of night time, one sunset, one sunrise, and see 33% on the Earth’s surface Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

How many experiences are you planning on capturing?

At the $100K goal we plan to capture two 2-hour experiences per year, at the $200K goal we plan to capture twelve 2-hour experiences per year, at the $400K goal we plan to capture twenty-four 2-hour experiences per year, and at $500K goal we plan to capture forty-eight 2-hour experiences per year. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

Can you really offer all of your content forever for $50?

Not if our entire user base was paying this price, we would go out of business. We REALLY want to reward early adopters / supporters on Kickstarter. You are the foundation on which we plan to build our 150,000 user base. We calculated that we only need about 1760 backers at the $50 level and rewarding 1,760/150,000 = 1.17% of our users will not put us out of business. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

What are the best ways to experience VR technology?

We would suggest attending MeetUp group events like - Silicon Valley VR (www.meetup.com/SiliconValleyVirtualReality), Houston VR (www.meetup.com/Houston-VR), and UPLOAD NYC (www.meetup.com/Upload-NYC). You could also try VR smartphones apps such as Cardboard By Google, Orbulus, Dive Deep, VR-JurassicLand, VR Cinema for Cardboard. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

What is the difference between SpaceVR’s 1U, 2U, 3U, 4U, and 6U designs?

The standard 10×10×10 cm CubeSat is often called a “one unit” or 1U. Thus increasing our designs from 1U to 6U gives us increasing physical volume from electronics, which translates into increased performance and/or content delivery rates for users. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

What is the difference between 3D and 2D VR?

Both are a great experience with today’s technology; however, 3D content adds an extra layer of brain tricking magic to the experience. Like 3D movies some people experience nausea from this experience, thus for long form content like SpaceVR’s 2D content offers a great trade off. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

Who founded SpaceVR?

Ryan Holmes (CEO) and Isaac DeSouza (CTO) founded SpaceVR in January 2015. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

Why was Space VR founded?

Ryan was inspired the Overview documentary to bring the Overview Effect to the world using virtual reality. Noticing the launch costs. He knew that he wanted to found a company bringing this very rare experience to the masses. He hit upon the idea that virtual reality would be the ideal platform for such an endeavor. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

What technology has SpaceVR developed?

To record video in space for viewing in virtual reality, SpaceVR has developed Overview One, a 360-degree 3D virtual reality camera that will be placed aboard the International Space Station (ISS) to capture footage of Earth. This will be the world’s first opportunity to experience immersive virtual reality of actual Earth images from the comfort of their homes, educational institutions, museums and other places. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

How will footage from Overview One be beamed back to Earth?

Much in the same way we stream content on planet Earth, the content from the Overview One will be streamed from the International Space Station using an internet connection. The international space station maintains a link to the Earth through a constellation of satellites. These communications satellites relay data to ground stations where NASA can access the data. The Overview One will connect to the communications systems onboard the ISS to deliver its data. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

Will the technology work with any virtual reality device?

The Overview One camera footage works with any virtual reality device including Samsung Gear, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and even a mobile device via the Google Cardboard app. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

What makes SpaceVR different from other space start-ups?

SpaceVR is looking to help people experience space from anywhere. The technology allows people to truly be an astronaut and interact with an environment that was previously impossible to do for most. The consumer space revolution is spurring new advances in space exploration and SpaceVR is pairing that innovation with advances in virtual and 3D technologies. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

Who is on the advisory board?

SpaceVR is made up of NASA scientists, space engineers and business entrepreneurs. The company has created an advisory board composed of a number of notable astronauts, executives and space industry pioneers, including: > Edgar Mitchell, astronaut for the Apollo 14 mission and the sixth person in the world to walk on the moon > Jeffrey Manber, managing director of Nanoracks > Gary Barnhard, XISP, National Space Society, veteran space Systems Engineer > David Beaver, co-founder of the Overview Institute > Rex Ridenoure, CEO of Ecliptic Enterprises Corporation > Sean Casey, former NASA Scientist, managing director of the Silicon Valley Space Center > Richard Garriott, private astronaut and vice chairman of Space Ventures Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

Is the stream “real-time”? How real-time is it?

Live streaming is a key future priority for SpaceVR. In fact, one of the highest. It requires the use of not yet created commercial satellite communication services and additional SpaceVR engineering. The delay would be on the order of 500 ms and low resolution (with current stitching technology), which is fast enough for near time time strategy based games. Last updated: Tue, Sep 8 2015 10:55 pm EDT

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The most common reasons for not receiving a survey email is that you may be checking an email inbox different from the email address you used to sign up with Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account, or it may be caught in your spam filter.

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To resend the survey to yourself, visit the project page and input the email address associated with your Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account.

How do I update my shipping address?

BackerKit allows you to update your shipping address until the shipping addresses are locked by the project creator. To update your address, go back to your BackerKit survey by inputting your email here.

When will my order be shipped, charged or locked?

That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.

I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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